Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Class 4: Sense of Place

Hello all. Our fourth class approaches, which means a couple of assessments draw nigh.

Friday March 13th (Task 1)

As noted in the subject outline, all groups must send me their Task 1 tomorrow by email. (Let's say before 9pm.) This will include one worksheet filled out for the group, as well as the 10 storyboards put together by each of member of the group. You were emailed an electronic version of the subject outline by Manuel on Monday March 2nd. You do not need to submit the actual photos for this stage, so don’t worry if you haven’t yet actually shot your presentation. Email me at the usual address.

Key things: 
1. Only one submission required per group
2. The submission must include the 10 storyboards for each group member, clearly labeled and numbered
3. Make sure in your submission that you clearly label the document - indicating what task it is, and who the two group members are. 

If for some reason it's too big to send by email -- if your scans of your storyboards err on the side of hi-res, for example -- I suggest sharing it with me via a Dropbox folder or a Google Drive folder.

Next Week Class Time (Task 2) - Monday 10am or Tuesday 10am

In your Story through Sound and Image class next week, you and your partner will be presenting your Task 2 Sense of Place Slide Presentation. 10 photos, scanned and arranged in powerpoint. Soundtrack is optional. You will be ‘running the projector’, so to speak, so you control how quickly or slowly the slides pass by. (Give that a bit of thought before the day.)

After you present the slides, we will as an audience try to piece together what we’ve just seen. We’ll then ask the presenting group to explain their intentions, and read their script. Interesting things emerge. 

We will need all presentations ready for the start of the class (ie. 10am Monday or 10am Tuesday). It’s a courtesy to your fellow filmmakers to be there to see their work if they are prepared enough to watch yours. You must present in your regular class time, unless you have permission to do otherwise. (And we would usually only grant that where a group was split over two classes.)

What's it all about?

If you're still to shoot your story, or perhaps even still to plan it, and you're overwhelmed by the detail and have forgotten what it's all about: Two people meet in a public place. Tell us a story with that at the core, and tell it visually. This is an exercise in visual storytelling. That's all. :)

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