Friday, 6 March 2015

Class 3: Drama Pitch

For this week's class, we'll be using the timeslot for the Drama Production pitches. Even if you're not doing that unit this semester, I suggest you attend and watch the pitches, as it will inform your own efforts in later semesters, and you'll get a sense of who is in the class around you.

Don't forget that in the following week, we will be playing our 'Sense of Place' slides in class, so you and your partner(s) should complete work this week. Email the completed slideshows (as powerpoint files, unless you've created a quicktime movie) to me a day before your class time.

You will also need to send me your group's version of Task 1, which includes answers to a number of questions, including a copy of your script, your shooting schedule, and, FOR EACH GROUP MEMBER, a set of storyboards that interpret your story. You will only end up shooting one set of 10 shots, but we need to see the plan each of you separately developed.

Unlike the actual presentation, you will not need to process anything in order to email me Task 1. So I'll stick to the submission date described in the subject outline -- send me your group's Task 1 by Friday 5pm of week 3 (March 14).

Remember, storyboards should be labeled, numbered, and while the drawing does not have to be draughtsman standard, the idea is that a reader will understand what is happening in each shot.

Things are getting busy. Let me know if you're having troubles with this. All the best in your work. :)

For posts on our previous classes, see Week 2 Film Style and Week 1 Mise en Scene.

And a bit of fun. If you want to see why Wes Anderson's films feel so neat, consider the role of symmetry in his framing. (Very formalist.)

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